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Updated 30/12/2015


Yoann, supported by Romain and Baptiste


INFO 17/06/2009

Exhibition at Rouillé.

The Associations Rullicoises were invited for a common exhibition under the market hall on the afternoon of Saturday June 13 in and the CMR agreed to attend. Thus, ten associations had been allotted a site with display panels as well as tables, each one charged with arranging this space with its own way. It was Yoann Charon who was in charge of the operation for our club and held the stand all the evening, for that he is thanked here.

The importance of this kind of demonstration is not always obvious; one often recruits nobody there, the contacts are even rarer, nevertheless to attend proves that we exist and that we satisfy our obligations when asking for subsidies. The local associative fabric is strong and it will remain so as long as its members mobilise themselves.


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